An online brochure.
~ examples
This kind of website is used when you provide a quality based service and you need to explain your products in detail. There is a wide choice of customisable
designs with bespoke headers, layouts, or menus.
Photos of your work with testimonials can be displayed to your customers.
Click on these examples of our Responsive Web Design collection
and test them yourself, reduce the screen size and the response;
each design is made bespoke by changing the pictures, colours, text etc..
Some examples of our Brochure Web Design collection;
£97 for up to a 10 page site with a theme, your words and pictures
£191 for up to a 20 page site with 2 of our 9 £47
bolt-on's included
Responsive Designs;
£147 for up to a 10 page site
Modifying complex existing websites can cost more, as an example
for moving from WordPress to HTML.
Have a look at our
updating and unlimited
hosting services.