Digital marketing is the difference between a nice website and a nice phone call.
We are concerned with your visitor’s journey through your digital world. We are not only interested in how they find you but if they see you as an expert through your websites content. We want to ensure that you have shown, done or said enough to convert your website visitors into customers.
I’m sure if they could meet you or see your products or services that your visitors will want to use you.
The problem is that your website can be a static digital representation of your knowledge and experience and it can only tell your customers the answers that you have written in advance.
It’s our job to predict your customer’s questions and present the answers that they need to say 'yes' as well as present
the content in a format that will allow the search engines to display you as the answer to their search.
Digital marketing is not just SEO, or search engine optimisation, it's about making your website a useful and fair representation of your customer focussed business, as if you were there in person.